Let me introduce myself, my name is Rachel
and I’m a 30-year-old media teacher. I live with my partner Ciarán and together
we have two dogs and two cats. We also have another cat on long-term foster.
I’ve been asked to start this blog because
since getting a dog, I have become somewhat obsessed with them. Most other dog
owners will tell you that this is a common occurrence. I’ve taken training
classes, grooming classes, behavioural classes, judged dog shows, attended
Crufts, joined social groups, turned my dog into a celebrity and regularly
volunteer for Manchester Dogs Home. I’ve learnt a lot but I have a lot more to
learn and I’m hoping that you will come with me on this journey of ours.
I’ll start with my most recent and
challenging of all experiences, dealing with my dog’s fear based aggression. I
adopted Chance, a one-year-old Bulloxer from the dog’s home where he had been
picked up as a stray. He was weak with malnutrition, appeared to have dodgy
hips and a bit of kennel cough. Ciarán pointed him out to me in the kennels;
he’d seen him whilst we were working on an event and was excited to show him to
me, as it was rare that any American Bulldogs were available. Our other dog,
Frankie is an American Bulldog and she has the most amazing personality. Of
course, as soon as I saw Chance I begged the staff to let me take him home.
That’s what happens when you see the sweetest face in the entire world looking through
kennel bars at you. He soon fell desperately ill with kennel cough and had to
be hospitalized and so I made him a promise that if he could pull himself
through then I would care for him for the rest of his life.
We first noticed that Chance had aggression
problems when he wouldn’t accept my Auntie’s Collie Sheba in his house. Fair
enough we thought, best to not let Sheba come into ‘his’ space and left it at
that. Then he pinned down my Cousin’s Cavalier-King-Charles-Spaniel, Stanford.
Very naughty of him, but he didn’t hurt him and I was fussing over Stanford so
maybe he was just jealous. Don’t fuss over other dogs. Sorted. Then it was next
door’s dog, then a dog in the park, then another one and so on and so on. I was
devastated. He was unsafe to be allowed to run off lead, go to other people’s
houses or even out in public. He loves people and he loves Frankie and is
normally very placid, loving and playful so we couldn’t figure out what was
going on with him. We tried basic training practices that we’d learnt such as correct
lead walking, reward based commands such as sit, stay, wait and even speak and
Chance excelled at this home-schooled obedience training, except when other
dogs were around. We tried a muzzle and he practically ripped his own face off
trying to get it off which was very distressing to everyone. It made him look
like some kind of killer pit-bull type on the rampage (excuse the breed
prejudice pun but you know how the general public can be with bull breeds). I
thought about selling him or taking him back to the home but knew that this
would just be me passing the problem onto someone else and may ultimately lead
to him being euthanized. So I pulled myself together, remembered my promise and
called a few trainers for some much needed help and advise. I took him to an
aggressive dogs class and he was so scared he almost literally peed himself in
the middle of the class. Most of the advise I’ve been given over the six-weeks
has been great, friendly and supportive with really useful training techniques
but none of us could quite handle the over-subscribed classes and confusing,
often conflicting advice and instruction. I decided to spend good money on a
very reputable canine behaviour course at night school and try and figure this
out for myself. The behaviourlist deems him ‘fixable’ in terms of being able to
be trained in order to fit into our society full of human rules that don’t
really make sense to our canine companions. So, I’ve got books, training
classes, equipment, websites, advisors and a canine behaviour class making him
their case study and this is the plan:
- Basket Muzzle. Needs to be trained to wear it with food and positive experiences. So far, I can’t even get it to fit his head.
- Two-Lead approach. One for his collar, one for his harness to maximize control. Sorted.
- Teach Chance some more control commands that we can use as correction such as ‘stand-still’, ‘behind-me’, ‘side-of-me’, ‘in-front’ and/or ‘face-me’. So far we have been working on ‘stand’ and it’s taking some getting used to for him but in two-weeks, I think that’s he’ll have cracked it. Getting him to do it when he’s scared though is another matter.
- Use toys as a frustration reliever for Chance. This is working very well and Chance is correcting his own behaviour by distracting himself with his favourite toys.
- Tell Chance that he is a good boy. Remain calm and convey positive, stress relieving words and feelings so he feels calm and not fearful of his doggie encounters.
So, I took him to the park today and it was
hard work for the both of us. I tied him up to a tree and sat next to him with
his toys, water and Frankie and we tried to relax. Chance had a few wobbles and
made a few lunges but his control was still there as he would sit mostly on
command and play with his toys whenever he felt threatened. It became harder
for him to correct himself or follow commands without being physically moved
into a sit as the park filled up with dogs and they came closer and closer to
us. He lunged at one dog that came over to see him and snapped at this face,
almost biting his lips. I corrected him and checked that the other dog and
owner were ok. I thought about going home but the whole point was that he was
socialised so decided to stay calm and stay put. I tried to put his muzzle on
at this point (probably too late, I know) but it still won’t fit properly and
it still freaks him out. The next time a dog came past I was stood talking to
someone so didn’t see when he lunged at the dog but I held him down and he
didn’t make contact with the dog. I corrected him into a sit and started to
calm him down when the owner of the other dog started her verbal attack on us.
Apparently his behaviour was unacceptable and I was to apologise for it. I
explained that he was in training but she wanted to know why I hadn’t ‘done’
anything to correct his behaviour. I explained that remaining calm was a part
of his training to which her friend decided to declare ‘god help him with you
as his trainer’. This is an example of
the type of prejudice and abuse that you face on a daily basis when you own an
‘aggressive’ dog.
“Punishing a dog for not obeying a command
or for unwanted behaviour without understanding why the behaviour is happening
in the first place only serves to make the behaviour worse”
“Positive techniques are much safer when it
comes to training aggressive dogs, and they help these dogs change the way they
react by showing them that there is another way to feel so that there is no
need to aggress”
Victoria Stillwell , Dog Trainer and TV
[Alpha No More, Best Friend’s Magazine,
Jan/Feb 2010]
Thankfully I have the support of many
trainers and friends who understand dogs and support what I’m trying to do. It
doesn’t make it easy though, for either Chance or myself. Accusations and abuse
such as that we have experienced today hurts our confidence and belief in our
abilities. Can he change his behaviour and/or natural responses? Can I lead him
effectively in his training? I’d like to think so but we are going to need
support, not condemnation from the general public. So the next time you are
walking past a dog on a lead who look a little stressed, do everyone a favour
and take a wide berth or speak to the owner calmly and you might just save a
dog’s life. I had control. We are working towards a goal. We are not perfect
but I had control. Five minutes after this incident, we started to walk home
when my bulldog crew of friends greeted us on the path out of the park with
open arms, cheers and cuddles over Chance who they’d never met before as he’s
normally banned from social spaces. Chance happily let all three all three dogs
sniff his rear and owners pet him. They were off to the water park to cool
down. One day, we can hopefully join them. This is positive training in
practice. Look it up!
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